Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fridrich Method

This is too complicated:
dudemanpp youtube

From the horse's mouth:
Jessica Fridrich website

This is ok if got time to study it:
fallofshadows youtube

Notes from fallofshadows video:

After doing white cross, put it bottom.

Rule 1:
where white facing up on top layer
put side line up with cente color opposite to white corner
roll clockwise F
move white on top of it

Rule 2:
where white facing sideways and edge different color on top
setup opposite sides on top
roll white corner over the correct edge
roll white over opposite side to connect.
2-in-1 rotate insert white in one go

Rule 3:
where white facing sideways and edge same color on top
setup opposite side to white
roll white down
rotate 180 to match up side by side with the downed white
bring white back up

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